Here's your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to...

Release the Past
Reclaim Your Joy

In Italy

with renowned consciousness expert & bestselling author Sandra Anne Taylor

October 5-12, 2024

Does everything in your life feel like SO MUCH WORK right now?

Are you tired, worried, and/or stressed most of the time?

Is all the chaotic, confusing energy in the world rubbing off on you?

Do you wish you could feel more alive and excited about life?

If you answered yes to any (or all) of these questions,
you didn't arrive here by chance.

Spirit has a funny way of nudging us in the right direction, and sometimes, that nudge feels more like a shove. But hey, you're here now, and that's what matters!

Chances are, you've been trying really hard to create positive momentum in your life.

You want to feel calm, clear and truly happy.

But, you're not reaping the rewards you want. Which is so frustrating and disappointing, right?!

Instead, you feel like you're trying to push a boulder up a mountain that is full of endless demands, chaotic energy and negative patterns from the past.

Please know this...

It's NOT you. You're not doing anything wrong.

It's just that your soul is craving a spiritual reset and renewal.

Because you shouldn't have to spend any more of your precious time and energy struggling like this.

After all, each moment is a gift you can't get back.

If you're ready to quickly and easily release these struggles and feel more at ease and happier than you've been in a long time,
take this as your sign to...

Release Your Past, Reclaim Your Joy

with me, Sandra Anne Taylor, and Global Journeys in Tuscany Italy!

During this once-in-a-lifetime experiential trip, you'll connect with the energies of the renewal, healing and hope - so you can move forward in an entirely new, more empowered way.

When I signed up for this retreat I expected a marvelous time but was not prepared for the miracles that happened!... The trip was well structured with classes and tours.  Everything seemed to go seamlessly despite the amazing work we knew went into planning and orchestrating. Thanks to Kay, Franco and Sandy:  wow is all I can say!!

— Kay W.

Hi, I'm Sandra

Welcome, I'm so thrilled you've landed on this page.

Several months ago, I noticed myself feeling a lull in energy. I felt like I was moving through a thick gray cloud, uncertain and somewhat off balance emotionally. I started sharing my experience with others, and I found that even the most optimistic, humorous, and spontaneous people I knew were feeling much the same way. We realized that over the last five years something major had shifted in our consciousness and in our perceptions of our lives, our futures, and our world. It was subtle but insidious, and pervasive - and none of us had even realized it was happening!


So I started investigating what I could do to change things from within. I studied many new approaches, including neurotransmitter production, biochemical transformation, observer created reality, and many other concepts - and the energetic shifts I integrated in my life brought me incredibly liberating results!

Now, I'm sharing those tools and concepts with you during this extraordinary experience in Tuscany, Italy.

I choose Tuscany specifically because it's known for it's energies of healing and renewal, which will help you create even more positive momentum in your life.

I hope you'll join us on this amazing trip! You'll return more empowered than ever before.

Why Tuscany, Italy?

We're going to Tuscany, Italy because it's a powerful gateway to new beginnings and miracles. It’s also a land where inspiration and inner peace come naturally. When you combine the energy of Italy with what you'll learn during our workshops, there's much more potential for positive shifts, healing and miracles!

Tuscany's capital city of Florence is home of the Renaissance, one of the most extraordinary and brilliant times in human history. Even today, Florence exudes the powerful rebirth energy of the great Renaissance masters who worked and lived there, including Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. During our travels, you'll walk the same streets, soaking in the creative energy and inspiration.

We'll also visit Assisi, which was often described as a vortex of miraculous energy by internationally acclaimed teacher Wayne Dyer. Assisi is the home of St. Francis of Assisi, the Italian mystic, poet, and friar who was known for his healing abilities.

Plus, when you register by August 31, you'll get $500 off!

As the saying goes...

Life is short, take the trip!

"But can't I just take an online workshop with Sandra and/or go to Italy another time?"

Of course, but you won't get the same positive benefits as you will when combining Sandra's teachings with travel to Italy.

When you're in a group in special location such as Tuscany, the potentials for healing skyrocket way beyond what what's typically possible on your own. With everyone synchronizing their energy frequencies simultaneously while also immersed in the rebirth energy of Italy, the transformative power becomes exponential.

Plus, our tour company for this experience, Global Journeys, is expert at organizing trips that are focused on personal and spiritual growth. They do all the planning, so you don't have to deal with typical travel stress. You get to can sit back and ENJOY the EXPERIENCE!

There's also profound sense of comfort in sharing this experience with likeminded seekers! Since this a small group, there's a good chance you'll make lasting connections.

Save Your Spot Now- Space is limited!

Here's an overview of your extraordinary journey October 5-12

Day 1 – A day of arrival, settling and beginning to get acquainted. A delicious Tuscan dinner will be provided for you and you will be introduced to the program and the surroundings. Go to Accommodations for more information about Villa Cornacchi. (D)

Day 2 – Sandra will offer a morning session after breakfast, then we’ll take you to a lunch/wine tasting experience at Tenuta Torciano. Your afternoon will be spent in San Gimignano and you’ll have dinner at a restaurant in Castelnuovo Berardenga. We will provide the lunch/wine tasting experience and dinner is at your own cost (B,L)

Day 3 – After breakfast you will have a session with Sandra and then depart for Siena, a medieval wonder. You’ll have abundant time to explore this fascinating city and enjoy lunch on your own. In the evening for dinner, at your own cost, we’ll take you to a popular restaurant  near our villa. (B)

Day 4 – Begin the day with another delicious breakfast followed by a morning session with Sandra. We’ll treat you to lunch at the villa and we’ll then depart to Montepulciano and explore one of the most attractive hill-towns in Tuscany. Dinner is on your own and we’ll then return to the villa.  (B,L)

Day 5 – After breakfast we’ll take you to the town of Assisi, with its Roman ruins, winding medieval streets and sacred shrines. This is a magnificent place to immerse yourself in this revered location and to continue to explorer the teachings of the week. Scroll down to get a bit of information about this incredible city. Lunch is on your own and we will treat you to dinner back at the villa. (B,D)

Day 6 – Enjoy breakfast before we head out on the Chianti Trail on the way to Florence. You’ll have a full day experiencing one of the most amazing cities in Tuscany. Lunch is on your own as you meander the streets of this historical marvel. In the early evening we will go to the Basilica of San Donato where you can hear the ritual of the monks chanting their vespers. Dinner, on your own, will be served at the top of a Tuscan Hill that overlooks valleys and Florence. (B)

Day 7–  Our final full day together will be spent at the villa. Sessions with Sandra and personal time to enjoy your  surroundings will be the mainstay of the day. We will have a Gala dinner on this last evening together.

(B, L, D)

Day 8 – Lots of hugs and good-byes, plenty of smiles, and maybe a few tears as we get everyone to the airport.

B – Breakfast is included

L – Lunch is included

D – Dinner is included

Ultimately, this is your chance to release the old and let Italy’s enchanting charm and rich traditions guide you on a path of spiritual healing and creative rebirth.

Plus, you get to stay at a beautiful Villa!

Villa Cornacchi is an ancient noble estate,  is situated  among the rolling hills of the Chianti wine region north-east of Siena  in the typical Tuscan environment of pine and oak woods, among olive groves and vineyards where it is possible to admire one of the most enchanting landscapes, captivating anyone who has the opportunity to lay eyes upon it. 

History has bound for many centuries these lands developing cultural centers and strategic defenses. As such the Villa Estate was erected in 1529 AD. Through the centuries the Chianti area has growth to being an important cultural and wine production center with farms such as Castello di Bossi, Felsina and others acquiring international resonance.

This villa commands breathtaking views in this unique territory and has a graceful landscaping which surrounds our lodgings.

As one descends towards the courtyard to the garden and swimming pool area, a one-of-a-kind landscape of the Chianti region near Siena appears. A rose-covered bower separates the 20 by 7 meters infinity swimming pool from the large 7 by 2,50 meter outdoor jacuzzi.

What past attendees are saying...

Thank you for offering and providing such an extraordinary experience in Tuscany!!! I loved every single second of it and if possible would do it all over again in the same way!... Sandy’s workshop sessions were trans-formative, and full of illumination.  I’ve been sharing with family and friends all we learned and am practicing the techniques on a regular basis.  It’s been fun sharing stories and having to clarify if what we experienced happened in reality in Tuscany or during a past life.  We’ve laughed about that 🙂  I don’t know how you could improve on what I considered to be a perfect experience with the most amazing people in such a beautiful setting. 

- Bev

 I immediately felt like I was visiting wonderful family members. Kay and Franco have a plethora of impressive skills that range from cooking food (so good!!!), yoga, driving and knowing the best places to go, taking care of everyone’s needs to juggling the vast amount of details that encompass a trip. It was a trip packed full of wonderful experiences and I will always treasure the memories.

- Tracy

Here's a Recap of Everything You Get

All of the Trainings and Workshops with me, Sandra..... $3000 value

Pick up & return from Florence airport within set time frames... $100 value

All accommodations at a beautiful Tuscan villa... $4000 value

All breakfasts ... $200 value

Three lunches – two at the villa and one during our excursions ... $150 value

Three dinners... $190 value

All internal transportation... $500 value

Excursions to: Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, Montepulciano, Assisi and the Chianti trail... $1000 value

Optional morning yoga/meditation sessions... $200 value

Wine tasting at the villa... $500 value

Cantina Wine Tour, tasting, and lunch... $300 value

Attendance at Gregorian chant session... $150 value

An “A Capella” choir performance at the villa... $50 value

Total Value is $10,340

Today only  $3,445 – $3,945 per person
(depending on which room in the Villa you choose)

So, it's decision time

Every day, we make thousands of choices—to grow or stay the same, to shine or dim our light, to take the risk or wonder what might have been… 

And by thinking we are not choosing, we are in fact choosing. 

So make the best choice for YOU today. 

If you want to move forward into LIGHT and REBIRTH, join me in Tuscany - so you take your spiritual growth and life to whole new level.